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Wednesday 6 October 2010

Marketing - a most enjoyable task?

Wednesday 27th October is the date of our next meeting. We shall be focusing on Marketing. Over the past twelve months, this seems to be the subject which is most often raised. Apart from Producing our Products or Providing our Service, Marketing seems to be the next most important part of our business and, rather than being something you learn and move on from, it is a constant task and for many of us, it can be a most enjoyable task too. Penny Eccleston will be on hand with her Professional Photographer's hat on, to help us achieve that quality image for our publicity .  For each 'candidate' Penny will take a few photographs, which she will then email to you and will charge £10.00, so come prepared for this.  We shall also have our popular Mini Masterminding Session and plenty of opportunity for Networking. Come along and join us, remember same place, same time - The Royal Victoria Hotel, Newport 12.00 - 2.00. £4.00 Members, £6.00 Visitors, sandwich lunch included.

Flower and Produce Show - Vale Head Farm

How delighted I was to be invited to be one of the Judges at Vale Head Farm, the venue for The West Midlands Network Flower and Produce Show. This was a particularly enjoyable show because it is specifically designed for those persons who are less able and / or disadvantaged, nevertheless, the array of cakes, pies, jams and chutneys and the flowers, plants, herbs and vegetables were amazing. My fellow Judges and I were able to , indeed we had to, sample the cooking which was to a very high standard and making the choice for the Best in Show was extremely difficult. It was a day to remember and looking around the crowd as winners smiled to have their photos taken and everyone else cheered and clapped, it was hard not to shed a tear - a most rewarding invitation, thank you. Pictured here is Bev Chitterm (WiRE member) with her 'Team'. Bev says ' Over six months is spent planning, preparing, growing and making for the show. On the day our group trundle home tired but proud, medals around their necks, bursting with pride. We rest for a week or two, then we tell every visitor about our medals and show the photos, Christmas comes and goes and in the dreary months of January and February, we look at pictures and start to plan our entries for the next Flower Show. Thanks for the kindness of persons planning, hosting and helping at the event, they give a years happiness to our group and all others'.