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News from our Members...

Monday 10 January 2011

A good start to the New Year ...Business Beliefs Busting and Boosting....

A very Happy New Year to you all.
Our first Newport WiRE Network Meeting is this Wednesday 26th January 2011, as usual we shall meet in the upstairs Bar at The Royal Victoria Hotel in Newport Shropshire, 12.00 - 2.00. The charges are £5 for members, £7 for guests and visitors, this includes tea/coffee and biscuits on arrival and a sandwich lunch.

Our Speaker for this meeting is Dawn Petherick - this is going to be a fascinating talk, so please do your best to attend and bring along a guest, we would like to have a good turnout for the first meeting of the new year.

Start 2011 with a Business Boosting taster session with Dawn Petherick - get set for a successful year!

- Are you taking one step forward with your business and two steps back?

- Know what you need to do but keep putting it off?

- Struggling to charge what you're worth?

Learn how to clear your blocks, apply the law of attraction to your business, become magnetic to your clients and visualise your best ever business year!