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Check out the main 'posts' below to see what is going on in our Network at each meeting and forthcoming events .......

Look down the colums on the right hand side to see, Who we are, Where and when we meet,

What has happened at previous meetings and last, but not least

News from our Members...

Thursday 17 February 2011

A Bit of a Do for Oxfam...

Newport WiRE Network

are having
A Bit of a Do for Oxfam
to support International Women’s Day

We’d love you to join us on
Wednesday 23rd February 2011


The Upstairs Bar and Foyer
The Royal Victoria Hotel
Newport Shrops TF10 7AB
12.00 noon - 2.00pm

WiRE Members £5.00
Visitors and Guests £7.00

includes tea/coffee and sandwich lunch
Space limited, so please RSVP

Bring your business cards for the Free Draw

WiRE Members Stands
space limited so must be prebooked
£10 (access from 11.00am for setting up)

To find out more about Oxfam and their work, visit