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Thursday 20 September 2012

September Meeting

Blogging and Jacqui Dodds gave us a very interesting and informative presentation on Blogging and particularly how Jacqui has been able to use this medium together with other social media to improve and promote her professional Printmaking Practice.
In the photo, it's time to leave, but Jacqui is still answering our questions and giving us some top tips - many thanks Jacqui x


  1. whoohoo! Great meeting, with main speaker Jacqui Dodds telling, nay showing, us how easy it is to blog succesfully. Thank you Maggie & Penny for organising too.

  2. Great meeting, as always. My favourite network. This is a lovely supportive, diverse group. It's great to see it thriving.

  3. I keep missing you ladies but I'm hoping to be back this winter!
